A map of America covered with dollar signs

Headshot Prices Across America

One of the key benefits of using an AI headshot is the cost savings. Hiring a professional photographer can be expensive, and the back-and-forth needed to achieve the desired results can add to the overall cost. A professional photographer can be an excellent option for your professional headshot, but you will want to understand their pricing.

Joey Stein

Joey Stein

4 min read


September 5, 2024

To better understand pricing, we analyzed the cost of hiring professional photographers across the U.S., comparing rates in major cities as well as smaller towns. We'll break down these costs and compare them to show how much you can save. When comparing pricing, we chose the most basic headshot package a provider offers and tried to find the least expensive options in a given city. Note, this information was collected on September 5th, 2024 so be sure to check their websites for up to date information.

New York City

Average Cost: $283.80

City Headshots$199Midtownhttps://www.cityheadshots.com
David Genik$200Lower East Sidehttps://www.davidgenik.com
Ari Scott Photography$290Upper West Sidehttps://www.ariscottphotography.com
NYC Photo$330Midtownhttps://www.nycphoto.com
Headshots NYC$400Chelseahttps://www.headshotsnyc.com


Average Cost: $325.80

Studio Redleaf$129South Loophttps://www.studioredleaf.com
PG Headshots$385River Northhttps://www.pgheadshots.com
Kyle Bondeson Photography$200Lincoln Squarehttps://www.kylebondeson.com
Skyline Headshots$600South Loophttps://www.skylineheadshots.com
Organic Headshots$315West Townhttps://www.organicheadshots.com

Los Angeles

Average Cost: $274.80

Weho Headshots$180Silver Lakehttps://www.wehoheadshots.com/
Alan Weissman$400Studio Cityhttps://alanweissman.com/
Marc Cartwright Headshots$295Studio Cityhttps://www.marccartwrightheadshots.com/
David England Photography$250Long Beachhttps://www.davidenglandphotography.com

Pittsburgh, PA

Average Cost: $187.00

Opya Studios$200South Sidehttps://opyastudios.com/portrait-session
Anna Bauman Photography$275Glenwillardhttps://www.annabauman.com
Carrie Whetsell Photography$200https://carriewhetsellphotography.com/
Jen Worley Photography$175Downtown Pittsburghhttps://www.jenworley.com
Theresa Glenn Photography$85Bethel Parkhttps://www.theresaglennphotography.com/

Raleigh, North Carolina

Average Cost: $202.00

Cutting Edge Photography$145https://cuttingedgephoto.com/
Peak City Headshots$300Apexhttps://www.peakcityheadshots.com
RTP Photo and Video$199Raleighhttps://www.rtpphotoandvideo.com
NC Headshots$225North Raleighhttps://www.ncheadshots.com
Headshots & Corporate$145Raleighhttps://www.headshotsandcorporate.com

Denver, Colorado

Average Cost: $341.60

Denver Headshot Co.$299RiNohttps://www.denverheadshotco.com
J Amado Photography$545Denverhttps://www.jamadophotography.com
Patrick J Bohn Photography$299Dairy Blockhttps://www.patrickjbohn.com
Christina Cookson Photography$200Denverhttps://www.christinacookson.com
Jeremy Rill Photography$365Varioushttps://www.jeremyrillphotography.com
Karunakar Babu's ai generated headshot
Karunakar Babu original image

Karunakar Babu

Its a pleasantly surprised to see the work done. I couldn't be happier with the final images that are beyond my imagination. Thank you for your creativity. Highly recommend.

Glenda Quek's ai generated headshot
Glenda Quek original image

Glenda Quek

I am so impressed with the results! The process was so easy and great that I saved an entire afternoon by skipping the hours on hair & makeup + outfit selection.

Mario Vicente's ai generated headshot
Mario Vicente original image

Mario Vicente

I never thought I'd look this good using my regular photos. So natural and effortless.

Paul Riddle's ai generated headshot
Paul Riddle original image

Paul Riddle

I was hesitant at first, but the process was so easy and the final images looked incredible. I can't recommend this enough.

What we learned

Pricing structure depends on the provider, but many photographers charge for the session, and then an additional fee per image. This means that pricing can vary dramatically depending on your specific requirements. We included locations that advertised pricing, but pricing isn't always available online. In these cases pricing will depend on the specifics of your shoot. The least expensive option we found was in the suburbs of Pittsburgh PA and cost $85. This option included a 20 minute studio session and one retouched digital image. Larger cities were not necessarily more expensive however these cities have more photographers to choose from and we chose the less expensive options. There are also very expensive photographers for hire in these cities and these shoots can cost thousands of dollars.

Money back guarantee

Redefine your professional look in hours, not weeks

No need for an in-person photo shoot. Perfect for social media, resumes, and professional portfolios. Save hours of time and hundreds of dollars.

Tom Oliveira's AI generated headshotLaura P's AI generated headshotJosh Suarez's AI generated headshotGlenda Quek's AI generated headshotIgal Hatanian's AI generated headshotSam Ziegler's AI generated headshotJisoo Kim's AI generated headshotStephan Toljan's AI generated headshotMelissa Ercolano's AI generated headshotDaniele Pestilli's AI generated headshotKirill Kim's AI generated headshotKarunakar Babu's AI generated headshotMario Vicente's AI generated headshotNora M's AI generated headshot